Our Services

Infrared Imaging

Go beyond what the human eye can see with infrared imaging.

Infrared imaging allows us to uncover serious issues in your home that are not generally visible to the human eye, such as: water leaks and damage, missing insulation, underperforming appliances, insect infestations, and more!

There’s no easy way to tell if your home has been invaded by radon gas. When you hire NextStep Inspection, we’ll put your mind at ease and make sure your Denver area home and your family are safe from any harm.

Infrared Benefits

  • Find hidden water from plumbing leaks and other sources in walls, ceilings, and floors
  • Find uninsulated walls and ceilings
  • Discover “hot” electrical circuits
  • Find and document household appliances that aren’t working correctly
  • Uncover infestations from ants, termites, bees, and other vermin

Awards & Certifications